About Us

We are the TAMUG Tsunami Research Group at Texas A&M University Galveston. This website is developed to showcase our tsunami mapping products, provide easy access to cloud tsunami simulation, facilitate communication among research groups, government agencies and the public for emergency planning and educational purposes.

Meteotsunami Model

  This is an attempt of cloud meteotsunami simulation. Our model assumes a simple air pressure disturbance moving in a straight line. Once your account is activated, you can run the model and view results all on the webpage with a few clicks. (Current supported locations: Gulf of Mexico, Colombia. Updated Jan 2021)

  1. In Air Pressure Disturbance section, if happy with the Last Run settings, skip to Step 2, otherwise click New to input pressure parameters. You can input start and end coordinates or drag the circles on the map (pressure duration automatically changes based on velocity). Click Generate to run pressure plotter. After a few seconds refresh page to see the pressure disturbance profile and contour map, if happy with the parameters,
  2. In Meteotsunami Input section, input time and plot variables, and click Run Meteotsunami.
  3. Check run progress at page bottom. Click View Result to view plots while model is running. Gauge data can be downloaded after run completion.

Tsunami Maps

  This page showcases landslide generated tsunami inundation, velocity, vorticity, equivalent hurricane category maps developed for the Gulf of Mexico coastal communities (Updated Jan 2021):

  • Texas: South Padre Island, Port Aransas, Freeport, Jamaica Beach, and Galveston
  • Louisiana: Grand Isle
  • Alabama: Mobile
  • Florida: Pensacola, Santa Rosa, Destin, Panama City, Tampa Bay, South Tampa Bay, Southwest Florida, and Key West
  •     Maps from a few communities have been added (bold in dropdown menu), and the rest will be added soon. In addition to coastal maps, it also displays landslide tsunami wave arrival time map and propagation animation at 30 min intervals.

        NOTE: When in fullscreen mode, reset browser zoom in order to see full colorbar and legends.

    © Copyright 2024 Tsunami Research Group, Ocean Engineering, TAMUG